Thursday, April 15, 2010


Seriously wondering what I'm doing still keeping this blog active. I seriously doubt anyone reads my posts anyway. Besides I'm still very old school and prefer writing down my thoughts on paper than typing it out. It's such a hassle, you have to wait for the com to start up and then wait for the internet connection to be established and then you have to go to the site and wait for it to load.

I guess that I'm just the impatient kind. I just hate sitting around doing nothing. But at the same time i find it hard to multitask. Besides it's been scientifically proven that multi taking is not good you are unable to give full attention to the items at hand.

Next monday school term starts again. But i still don't know what I'm going to do with myself after that. Should i start working or should i continue with my studies?

I have also been feeling lonely these few weeks. Everytime i think about going out i always think who should i invite but then i always answer my own question with answers like their studying, they're busy, they won't be interested. Why is it that i am surrounded by people but i find myself increasingly lonely? So far there hasn't been anyone who truly understand me and i feel like i'm living a shallow life that still has lots of potential. In fact everytime i read the news about a youngster whose life is so full of promise but had passed, i feel guilty. Because 20 years of my life has passed with little to show for it.


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