Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thing I would have never know

I'm telling you a polytechnic education is a blessing as well as a curse.

It's a blessing because you will have more time for yourself and the various interest that you would have otherwise have neglected. For me the interest is my books and all things beautiful. One such beautiful thing that i came across was a series of photos by Zhang Jingna. I find her pictures to be breathtaking and bring out more soul and places words in otherwise silent pictures. I find her portraiture to be in a class of its own. I also have the time to read up on Jewelry and Royal Families and the sports of Horse showmanship and many other cool stuff.

I also get to work at events and get a lot of cool freebies 0_o

But as with all the fantatsic stuff comes the heavy draagy stuff which is that you have to seriously have good self discpline to survive. Cause the temptation to PON lessons is very strong. Also when the time comes around to submit the many portfolios and stuff that part and parcel of a "fun" polytechnic education be ready to survive on rations of Coffee and Adrenaline. But i also learn fun stuff about the exciting industry that i will be a part of.

All in all i have a love hate relationship with my school.


Monday, November 17, 2008

School LIFE relieved

Today, me and my classmates from DEPM/02 YR 08/09 dressed up in our old school uniform. It was awkward to walk around in Clothes that reminded me of hot sweaty days in boiler like rooms. But everyone had fun. We even took some pictures that i will share later.

Yan Ling, Yan En and Oi Xin are having their final A level paper today. Wish them all the best. Can't wait to catch up with my old frens who i have not seen for many months since September.

Today is also my not so important IDEAS presentation that is part of my SP Core Module. Was kinda nervous. Felt like A level project work presentation all over again.
