Thursday, February 19, 2009


Well its been a long time since i last added a post and many things have happened.

The latest news include my breakup with Wisdom. We've been together almost 6 months already and even though i'm not cracked up over the breakup but i still miss him a bit. I think i can safely say that all along i felt more like a close sister and friend rather than an actual girlfriend. He was always sweet to me and bought me stuff when he went overseas. He was a family guy and i guess that was what attracted me to him. He was also gregarious and lots of fun. But the thing that turned me off was that he liked to talk about basketball and the various personalities in basketball their triumphs, lessons learned and he also like fights. Not in the WWF part but more the free style type. I didn't like any of those and always tried to direct his attention to a topic that i could participate in. Afterall i knew little or nothing about fights or basketball. I was also always lazy to learn more about that two interest of his and i guess after awhile we would have gotten sick of each other.

Now i am supposed to be studying for my last test Project Management. It is very scary to study because it feels like there is nothing to study. I am not even sure if she will be setting another of those common sense question or the out of the blue radomness question. BTW if you are wondering who i'm talking about, its one of my lecturers but i won't say who cause those of you who know will know who she is.

Today i studied at CCK library with Vivien. We went to Pastamania to eat lunch. After that the full lunch and hot weather made us feel sleepy so she went and carried a bunch of magz to our table and i ended up reading and pouring over the latest fashion. Then my terrible shopping itch came over and i had to literally restrain myself and breathe through my mouth. I forced my attention back to the boring and dry chapter on management style. But at the end of our long (but full of distractions and breaks) study session i can proudly say i swallowed two chapters. They tasted funny and are now swimming in my head like planets with my brain as their revolving sun. Lol!!!

Studying can be tedious but it is also lots of fun. In fact i missed crunching numbers. I missed the good old days of crunching up questions during secondary school. I miss the old familiar patterns of maths questions. But i need not wait long to satisfy my bizarre numbers craving. Next semester i'll be taking a accounting and finance module which shold be lots of fun.

Anyway to my fellow friends who are now busy studying for various tests, all the best. To my JC buddies who are looking for jobs, good luck job hunting. May your spoils be bountiful.

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